My winter workout plan was absolutely perfect - the ideal blend of outdoor activities and some challenging indoor classes but on 01/01/13 the price is doubling. And if you want to take a shower it is even more. Granted, there's more included with that increase but doubling the price is just a hard pill to swallow since I can only take a couple of classes a week because of my ski training. Bummer. Especially since I was LOVING the classes. Once I'm done skiing I hope to join up again during the transitional months between skiing and running.
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Lifetime Fitness by my sister-in-law Amazing place and pool for $49 a month Lucky for me, I have the amazing Birkie trail for only $40 a YEAR |
When I've been out skiing on my own during our Christmas break I've had extreme guilt and I've cut myself short to rush home to be with the kids. Every time I've rushed through the door to find them totally engaged in activities and then I'm mad at myself for skipping out on my workout time. Ever since the kids were in the car accident last year I have a hard time leaving them. I found a great article about mom guilt: Mom Guilt - Get Over It. My favorite quote from the article: "So many devoted moms think that no matter what they do for their children, it's not enough -- and our culture plays into that insecurity," Moving forward, I'm going to remind myself that a happy mom equals happy children.
Skating Again Friday night - how can I NOT feel guilty leaving these cute munchkins (and Graham too) |
My biggest pet peeve when I'm skiing on the Birkie trail is people who do not say hi back. Since the trail is almost in my back yard and I know it really well, I feel like a piece of it belongs to me. Lots of times I'll run into people I know which is always fun, but when I ski past a visitor and they don't say hi back it really bugs me. I'll give a pass to people under the age of 20, and to those that are clearly giving the trail hell but with everyone else I'd appreciate a little love back. Hey, life is short - check out your surroundings and say hi.
If you see us coming down the trail, say hi |
I have a great plan lined up to get me in shape for the Birkie without the use of the gym but I'll share my 50 day Birkie Training plan on my New Year's blog.
Hey, I feel better - I should vent more often. What's your workout complaint? Certainly, I can't be the only one with mom guilt?
Thanks for reading,
I have workout guilt. I really want to get back into my yoga routine, but I'd have to pay $13 per class and then $20 to a sitter. I just can't justify paying $33 each time I go to Yoga. I tried other classes. They weren't the same. I could go really late at night, but I'm exhausted then. I just can't make it work and it's frustrating. Wish I could memorize the routine and do it at home. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteOh Erinn, that's gotta' be tough. I signed up for a yoga class ($13 per session) but I don't need to pay for a sitter and I can go before or after work. Mia will be in school before you know it. Could you do a sitter swap? I did that before my kids were in school. Just an idea! Happy New Year!
DeleteTotally agree with the health club price increase. I guess I will head back outdoors for my workouts and fill in with workout videos on the really cold days. Bummer, I was really loving the spin classes.
ReplyDeleteTake it from the mom of 3 adult children, mother guilt is here to stay :)
Such a bummer about the rate increase. Wouldn't be a big deal if we could go more often! And bummer about the mom guilt. I seem to have a lot of it right now but I'm going to work on it.
DeleteI can't bring myself to pay for a gym. If I need to work out and use equipment then I'll go with Allan to his office and we can work out together there. I'd bail with the price increase too. That stinks!