
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Remembering Your Cloth Bags

One simple way to eliminate plastic from our landfills is to carry your own cloth bag.  Because I've been seriously contemplating my impact on Global Warming, I felt the need to share my tips on remembering the bags when you go to the store (the hardest part, right?).

  • hang them on your door
  • immediately bring your bags to the car after you unload your groceries
  • stockpile bags so you have plenty in the trunk of each vehicle
  • put your cloth bags by your purse
  • fold up your bags and put them in your purse
  • if you forget them as you are checking out, force yourself to stop what you are doing and run out to the car.  I forced myself to do this about 5 times before I finally remembered to bring them in the store
  • write "CLOTH BAGS" on the top of your grocery list
  • If you forget as you are checking out, buy another bag.  Bags are usually .50 to $1.00 and I force myself to buy one even if I have 50 at home because I know I can pass them on.
My bags hanging on the front door - ready for the car


Of course cloth bags everywhere, but if you need a few more, Thrift Shoppes now have them in abundance for pretty dang cheap.

How do you remember your cloth bags? 

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. I don't go to Publix without my reusable bags and if I have plastic bags then I take them to thrift stores to donate.
