
Friday, September 21, 2012

Canning Is Not For Sissies - Part Deux

Today marked another canning craze for some friends and me - I can not tell you how much I love cooking and canning with these women.  So. Much. Fun!!!  Our master canner, Kristy couldn't make it today and we missed her TERRIBLY, but it also forced us to learn how to can on our own - and that's a good thing.

Sooz, Me and Jeanine in the midst of canning

Today we focused our efforts on canning salsa and whole tomatoes equivalent to about 150 pounds of tomatoes (over 3 bushels).  When I came home with my loot, Graham said to me, "mom, why can't we just be normal and buy our tomato products at the store?"  Ha!    I have faith that some day he'll appreciate the extra effort.

Here's the recipe we used for the awesome tasting picante:

Wanda Severson's Picante Sauce:
30 large or 40 medium tomatoes peeled and quartered
12 hot banana peppers
18 jalapeno peppers
4 cups of vinegar
12 onions
4 green peppers
4 T lemon juice
4 T sugar
2 tsp. cumin
½ cup canning salt
6 tsp. oregano
4 - 12 ounces of tomato paste

Bring ingredients to a boil except for paste. Simmer for 2 hours. Stir in paste after 2 hours stirring continuously until dissolved.  Add to water bath for 10 minutes.
To can tomatoes whole, you need to remove the skins (run under hot, hot water then plunge into cold water and remove the skins), add to a quart jar, and either pressure can or use the water bath method. 

Do you think we are set for winter?  Well, for a good part of it at least!

We've had such a wonderful week.  Graham continues to impress us on the football field, my parents AND grandparents came up to visit Thursday night, and Greta was chosen to be on the Homecoming float today!

Greta is in the middle in the yellow with the light brown hair
My big dilemma of the night, should I run the Birkie 1/2 Marathon or rest my injured calf.  I was scheduled for 2 ultrasounds and they were both rescheduled so I don't have any answers other than my calves hurt and they give me problems especially after about 7 miles.  What to do, what to do.  Truthfully, I want to be scouring the area for the new iPhone 5, but I guess I could live another few days without one (ha!).
Have you ever done any canning?  I'm new to it, but I LOVE it - especially hanging with my girl friends.
 And to my friend Sooz - THANK-YOU for being the best hostess in the world.  You rock and I can not thank-you enough for opening your home and for your friendship :)


  1. You are awesome! I aspire to can some day but have not yet built up the courage to try. :)

  2. Oh Marlene, I think you could handle it! So fun - esp. if you have friends to do it with!!
