Just like eating with the seasons, I believe an exercise regime should revolve around the seasons.
I'm new to the outdoor silent sports scene, but let me tell you it has changed my life for the better. I really wish I could say I'm super fast and athletic (I'm a wannabe...and I've totally accepted it), but I do set goals to finish races at my own pace. In 2011, I skiied the Birkie (50 kilometer super challenge), ran 2 1/2 marathons, and completed a 50 mile road bike race. For 2012, my goals are similar only with a mountain bike challenge stirring around in my head. Seriously, 4 years ago if you would've told me that I would be participating in these events starting around age 40 I woulda' told you you were crazy. Proof that anything is possible if you open your mind.
In the winter season I volunteer for Special Olympics snowshoeing, I register for the Birkie, and I take a SPIN class. Once you sign up for something, you are committed to show up and to train for whatever goal you're working towards. Hey, signing up for events and classes forces me to show up and train and quite honestly if I didn't have a goal in front of me I'd be sitting by my fireplace reading a good book. One day while in my Spin class I met someone who was telling me that she was in training for a running race 4 months out. I thought to myself, "great, she can lend me some tips or motivation." After talking for awhile she informed me that her race was a 5K in Duluth in 4 months away. It got me thinking, wow - even signing up for a 5K four months out can be motivating. The lesson here: just sign up, show up and start small! One small thing at a time leads to big things over time.
Me, my dad and Kristin Frietag at Hatchery |
I think it's important to change your routine with the seasons, even if you can't embrace the whole silent sports scene because you hate cold, bugs, damp feet, or whatever. Your body adapts to whatever exercise you are doing, and without a change every so often you are not going to reap the same benefits of exercise. Last winter during my morning SPIN class I would be huffing and puffing and dripping with sweat. This year I hardly break a sweat (and I actually miss the major sweat). Either I've figured out how to cheat, or my body is saying "yes, she's done this 200 times before" and has adapted. I think it might be a little of both to be honest. So, once my winter workout schedule comes to an end, I will have a whole new routine. And, I'm already looking forward to the change!
Snowshoe baby |
-Partner Up
Working out with friends has to be the best way for me to guarantee I'm going to meet up to ski 10 miles in the morning or snowshoe on a frigid afternoon. Not only does it motiviate me to get out the door, it's great therapy to exercise with friends. I'm fortunate to also belong to a group called Ski and Tea that provides great technical support, and camaraderie and friendship among like-minded individuals.
-Schedule It In
Exercising in the morning has always worked for me too. I get up around 5 a.m. to squeeze in an hour of cardio before work, and most days I start off the day feeling like a million bucks. Granted when I start I do not feel the best, but by the time I'm done and ready for work my light is shining bright.
My Ski and Tea Friends |
-Reconnect With Nature
Last week around 4:30 p.m. I had scheduled myself for a ski. I was doing everything in my power to find an excuse to go home, but I forced myself out there and I saw the most amazing sunset EVER. One of those sunsets that stops you in your tracks. I got home and the kids were fighting, the house was in complete disarray, and I thought, "thank God I took some time for myself" and I felt great despite the chaos. Last Friday as I was struggling with a difficult ski, 2 deer jumped right out in front of me, it was so cool! My payoff for embracing the silent sports scene is my new ability to reconnect with nature. I find spiratuality in nature (this is new to me). I ALWAYS feel better after a workout, but I never feel great if I blow it off.
-Meet New Friends
Also, I've met some awesome, amazing, like-minded people with my new activities. Exercising with friends is better than therapy at $200 per hour (in my opinon).
-Reduce Stress and Sleep Better
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and sleep better. I attribute my calm nature and relatively low stress levels to my daily dose of exercise. If I have to take a week or two off for one reason or another I feel myself turning into an agitated monster who might snap over spilled milk. I prefer my relatively peaceful existence, and exericise helps me release my angst.
Here's last weeks workout schedule:
Thursday - SPIN 6 a.m., Snowshoe for an hour
Friday - 22K Ski with my Ski and Tea sisters
Saturday - 10K Ski with my friend Debi, sledding with the kids (1 hour hill workout), 30 minute winter hike
Sunday - Rest (wow, I was sore)
Monday - Walk for 30 minutes (that's all I had time for)
Tuesday - SPIN 6 a.m.
Wednesday - 3 hour ski with friend Colleen
And finally, I found this off of Pinterest, it's FABuary! I love the simplicity of these exercises, and I'm up for the challenge.
Life is good!
Kristin :)