“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” Doesn't this quote sum it up? I'm not sure who wrote it but I love it.
Below you will find the books I've read over the past 2 months - 1 is the lowest score and 5 is the highest.
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn
- 5 stars
-Charles William Eliot
As you know, I'm a total reading fanatic and when I am without a book I feel lost. The quote above really captures how I feel about reading. Often I hear, "how do you have time to read?" to which I reply: "I do not watch tv, movies, and I read every night before I go to bed to prepare me for sleep."
Before I digress anymore, here's my list of books:
Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
The story of 2 lovestruck magicians and their adventures in the night circus.
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn
Very entertaining mystery with a psychological twist. Highly recommend.
Women, Food and God, Geneen Roth - 2 stars
Non-fiction read on how to connect to your true hunger.
Night Circus, Erin Morgenstein
- 2 stars
Two lovestruck magicians are engaged in a night time circus. For some reason I didn't love this book.
The Woodcutter, Reginald Hill - 3 1/2 stars
A very interesting novel about a man, the woodcutter, and his adventures. Very good book but it took me a full month to finish it (kinda' long).
Sugar, Salt and Fat, Micheal Moss - 4 stars
A non-fiction book about how the food giants add sugar, salt and fat to make us eat more (hence, buy more).
Brotherhood, Deepak and Sanjiv Chopra - 1/2 star
True story about Deepak and his brother Sanjiiv growing up in India but I did not care for the writing.
Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Jenny Lawson -5 stars
A mostly true story about this quirky, hilarious blogger - LOVE! Warning though - she swears a lot so I'd skip this book if that bothers you.
I haven't been blogging much because I've been spending all my time preparing for Graham's confirmation party, watching the boy's baseball games, gardening and work.
Our Family Picture at Graham's confirmation - poor Gus is getting squished! |
That's it for my review: I'd run out and read
Gone Girl and
Let's Pretend This Never Happened if I were you!
What book are you reading? I'd love to hear.